Properties of Text Fields

enaio® editor 10.10 »

You can specify the database properties for text field; for all other element types the properties are default settings. You can assign catalogs and add-ons to text fields. The label and the element can be positioned in the form independent of each other.

Text fields have the following properties:


The name of the element will be used as a label of the form. A maximum of 240 characters are allowed.

Database Field Type/Field Length

Via the type of a database field and the field length, you can specify which and how many characters the user can enter in a text field.

For the maximum valid amount of characters of a text field enaio® editor uses a default value of 248 characters. If your database allows longer fields you can use the File / settings menu to enter a larger number of allowed characters in the Maximum database field length dialog. enaio® editor automatically corrects the maximum database length for field lengths that exceed the maximum defaulted value. Data will be filed as UTF-16 in Unicode installations, so only half the maximum size is available.

The following database types can be selected:

  • All characters

All characters are allowed.

The maximum length is dependent on the database.

The internal database type is CHAR.

  • Letters

All letters of the relevant language, spaces, and special characters are allowed.

The maximum length is dependent on the database.

The internal database type is CHAR.

  • Uppercase letters

All letters of the relevant language and numbers are allowed. Please note that not all languages feature case sensitivity. In this case, the normal set of characters are allowed.

The maximum length is dependent on the database.

The internal database type is CHAR.

  • Date

The maximum length is ten characters.

The internal database type is DATE.

The date is entered in the date field in one of the following formats: 01.02.1999, 1.2.1999, 1.2.99, 02021999, or 020299.

In the case of two-digit values greater than or equal to 50, 1900 is added. If the value is less than 50, 2000 will be added.

Date fields can be preset with the current date.

For date fields an interval search is possible.

  • Date/time (time stamp)

The time stamp consists of a date and a time and has been saved internally as the number of seconds since 1.1.1970 00:00:00.

The internal database type is INTEGER.

Date/Time fields can be pre-defined using the Current date/current time feature.

An interval query is possible for Date/Time fields.

  • Time

The time is in hours, minutes, and seconds.

The internal database type is LONGINTEGER.

The separator between hours, minutes, and seconds is a semicolon.

Time fields can be pre-defined with the Current time feature.

For time fields an interval search is possible.

  • Decimals

The preset length is 15 characters: 13 digits before the decimal point and two decimal places after. In addition, a dot or comma is used as a separator. Decimal numbers always have a maximum of two decimal places.

The internal database type is DECIMAL.

The maximum length is dependent on the database.

  • Integers (numeric)

Integers composed of the characters 0–9 are allowed.

The defaulted length is nine characters.

The internal database type is INTEGER. The maximum size is dependent on the database. For INT4 it is 2,147,483,647.

Please note that the zero is after the nine when sorting by numbers. When sorting alphanumeric integers the zero comes before the one.

An icon for number groupings is pre-assigned by entering a constant.

For number fields an interval search is possible.

If a numeric field already contains data, then shortening the field length will result in errors when processing the data.

  • Integers (alphanumeric)

Integers composed of the characters 0–9 are allowed.

The maximum length is dependent on the database.

The internal database type is CHAR.

When sorting alphanumeric integers the zero comes before the one.

An icon for number groupings or interval searches is not possible.

  • only [a/s/f] for patient type

Only 'A', 'S', or 'F' are allowed.

(outpatient, inpatient, external patient)

Other language versions are not possible for this database type.

  • only [j/n] for questions

Only 'J' or 'N' are allowed.

(yes, no)

Other language versions are not possible for this database type.

  • only [l/r] for side

Only 'L' or 'R' are allowed.

(left, right)

Other language versions are not possible for this database type.

  • only [m/w/d] for gender

Only 'M', 'W', or 'D' are allowed.

(male, female, other)

Localized entries will be shown for the languages of the object definition in enaio® client for this database type.
Example for French: masculin, féminin, autre

The field displays which input is possible in the set language via a tooltip in enaio® client.

enaio® webclient does not support localized entries.

If you change the database type for a field, then a table column will be created for it when the database is updated. If data has already been entered, it will be lost.
The field length can be increased. If you decrease the size of the field length, you can lose data. You can enter in the information dialog that the column should be saved under the name <columnname#timestamp>.


Multi-fields are standard fields for image documents which are created in the area for multi-fields on the bottom of a form. Every page of a document can be indexed individually via multi-fields.

X-Position Label/Y-Position Label

The label field and the input field of a text field can be positioned in the form independent of each other.

The 'zero point' of the form is the upper left-hand corner; the reference point of the label field is the upper left-hand corner of the label field. Values between '-2000' and '2000' are allowed.

For labeling the system font is always used.

Label Width/Label Height

The width and the height of the label field are the reference points of the layout features. Parts of the label which are located outside of the label field will not be visible. Within the label field, the label is always aligned to the top. Label fields are not transparent. Values between '0' and '2000' are allowed.

Label Alignment

The label within the label field can be left-aligned, centered, or right-aligned.

X Position Element/Y Position Element

You enter the coordinates for the upper left-hand corner of the entry field in the form. Values between '-2000' and '2000' are allowed.

Element Width/Element Height

For entries in the input fields, the system font is used. The width and the height you enter are proportional to the system font type. For the height of an index data field we recommend a value of 12 units. The best way to adapt the width is by using the sample index data available in test mode. Values between '0' and '2000' are allowed.

Restriction Due to a Form

An input form restriction provides the structures for indexing. For example, if a file number always has the same structure, you can specify where the user enters the characters in the input form.

Restrictions for a form only apply to index data forms, not to search forms.

How to Define an Input Form

If you want to define an input form, select the by form entry from the list in the Restriction row. Enter the form definition in the Form row.

For every space in the index data field, you assign a placeholder or enter a fixed character in the Form row.

The following placeholders can be used:


Allows the following characters


Integers (0–9)


Integers (0–9) and letters (a–Z)


All printable characters


Letters (a–Z)


Uppercase letters


Lowercase letters

All other characters are fixed and preset in the input form. If you want to use one of the characters that is used as a placeholder as a fixed character in the input form, then you will need to add a forward slash '/' in front of it.

Example of a Custom Input Form

The slash in front of the letter 'A' which is located at the second position and could be a placeholder indicates that it is a fixed character. Positions three and four are also fixed characters. The sixth position has the placeholder 'U' for a capital letter. The slash at position seven indicates that the slash at position eight is a fixed character. Positions nine and ten are placeholders for the integers. Position eleven is a fixed character. At position twelve and thirteen there are again placeholders for integers.

The input form looks as follows on the index data form in the client:

After you have applied the changes you can check the input form in test mode.

Regular Expression

You can use regular expressions to limit the entry options for users. If you enter a regular expression, the user will receive an error message in the client if the text field entry does not match the regular expression.

Please note that regular expressions in Unicode installations are more complex. The expression [a-zA-Z] will not produce any hits for Cyrillic characters/words, for example. привет does not match [a-zA-Z]{6}; however, [а-я]{6} does. There is not always a numeric sorting for the letters of all alphabets, so the letter 'ё' is not included in [а-я]. Certain languages, such as Egyptian hieroglyphs, contain characters with 4 bytes. Since such characters consist of 2 x 2 bytes, the expression '.' (check for one character) does not return a hit, but '..' (check for two characters) does.

Regular expressions can be tested in enaio® administrator: Extras > Tools.

enaio® editor does not check regular expressions that were entered for consistency.
Regular expressions are saved in a database column; the maximum length is equal to the maximum length of a database field.

Mandatory Field

A mandatory field must be filled out by the user during indexing. It is underlined in the indexing and search form.

Supervisor Field

A supervisor field can be edited during indexing by a user with all system roles.


Read-only properties can be set but not removed by events.

Fields with the property read-only cannot be edited by any user. They can however be indexed by add-ons, for example.

Fields with the Controlled by crosscheck property in installations with enaio® webclient may be assigned one of the write-protect properties exclusively via events.

Read-Only After Archiving

Fields with the property read-only after archiving cannot be edited after they have been archived in an audit-proof manner.

Fields with the Controlled by crosscheck property in installations with enaio® webclient may be assigned one of the write-protect properties exclusively via events.

Read-Only After Initializing

An entry in fields with the property read-only after initializing cannot be edited after it has been saved.

Fields with the Controlled by crosscheck property in installations with enaio® webclient may be assigned one of the write-protect properties exclusively via events.

Copy Automatically

Users can create copies of documents with fields which you have assigned the property automatic copying. The document cannot be located in the filing tray. The copies are created when the user enters an integer in this field using the Edit data function or enters integers which are separated by a semicolon.

Example: 30–90

enaio® creates copies of this document which have the field property automatic copying and are indexed with consecutive integers from 30 to 90.

Fields with the property automatic copying are not indicated specifically as such.

With Leading Zeros

Fields with the property with leading zeros are populated with leading zeros up to the specified database field length if the user has entered fewer digits then are specified for the database field length.

Key Field at Transfer

With key fields, enaio® checks if the entered indexing is already used in the database for this field. If this is the case, the user receives an error message in the status bar.

If one or multiple fields in a form have this property, only the value in one of the key fields has to be new.

Key fields are cursive in the indexing and search forms.

Controlled by Crosscheck

Fields with the property Controlled by crosscheck are activated and filled in via structure tree catalogs or add-ons.

Fields with this property in installations with enaio® webclient may be assigned one of the write-protect properties exclusively via events.

Linked to W-Document Template

Applications and templates are assigned to the W-Document types in enaio® administrator. You can define multiple templates for an application and let the user select which one he or she wants to use. If you assign the property Linked to W-Document template to a text field of a W-Document type, the selection dialog for templates does not appear when you create a W-Document; the template whose name is identical to the entry in the field is used instead.


The property Case-sensitive applies to all characters or letters for searches involving text fields of the database type. If Case-sensitive – yes is preset for a search, the search will be case-sensitive for this field.

Please note that not all languages feature case sensitivity.

The query can be simplified only for text fields of the database type 'All characters' or 'Letters' if the user does not require case sensitivity for the search term. The property Case-sensitive – no can result in significantly longer search times.

For databases, you can configure whether queries should be case-sensitive. If the database does not pay attention to case, then the property 'Case-sensitive – No' is redundant. Please use the performance wizard to check the consistency of database settings and to check the field properties for case sensitivity.

Preset Values and Constants

Fields can be preset with a constant or with a function.

Functions can be overwritten by the user. In the Functions row, select one or more of the following functions:

  • Current date

Inserts the current date.

  • Current date and time span

Defaults to the date consisting of the configurable time span added to the current date in days

The number of days is entered in the following 'Constant' row. A negative value is invalid.

  • Current object ID

Defaults to the object ID of an archive object.

  • Current user

Defaults to the user name of the OS user currently in the text field.

  • Current user's full name

Defaults to the full name of the OS user currently in the text field.

  • Current time

Enter the current time in the time fields.

  • Current date/current time

Defaults to the current date/current time for the date/time field.

  • User(u)

User name as entered by the rights group add-on or rights group control. A '(U)' is appended to a user to distinguish between user names and group names.

The constant can also be overwritten by the user. In the Constant row, enter the desired value. A maximum of 76 characters, including special characters, is allowed.

For fields of the database type 'Integer', an icon can be specified as a 'constant' for number grouping with following syntax:

Group width|Icon

Possible values for group width are: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,32

All characters and multiple characters can be specified as a value for the icon.






Integers with up to 255 digits can be formatted like this.

Only integers in fields of the database type 'Integer' can receive an icon for number grouping.

Catalogs and Add-ons

You can assign catalogs and add-ons to text fields. Select a catalog type or add-on from the list offered in this line.

The properties window will be assigned an additional tab. On the tab you can edit the catalog entries and configure add-ons.

Automatically Execute Add-on

Add-ons can be automatically executed when they are saved. This feature only makes sense for add-ons which required no user action, e.g., the ID add-on.

Full-Text Export

For object types with the property Full-text indexing – automatic or Full-text indexing – not automatic you can individually select whether indexing should be automatic or not for every individual dialog element.

Search Group

A search group has an additional search feature. If a user enters a search term in a text field that is part of a search group, the search will be carried out across all fields of the group.

Assign text fields to a search group by specifying the same search group name for the text fields of an object type.

A maximum of 30 characters is allowed for the name of a search group. For the first character the letters 'a'–'z', 'A'–'Z', and an underscore '_' are allowed; other characters, numbers, and dots are allowed for the following characters.

Search group fields are not indicated on forms. For that reason, inform users about this property.

Automatic Suggestions List

Auto-complete can be switched on for text fields from the 'all characters', 'letters', and 'upper case letters' database types. The user is then given a list of suggestions based on existing entries when they enter three characters or more during a search. The rights system is taken into account; however, the other auto-completed fields are ignored when generating the suggestions.

This function requires a database index for the field.

Auto-complete is not available for multiline text fields or text fields with add-ons.

This function can be switched off for all database catalogs by adding an entry to the as.cfg file located in the \etc directory of the data directory:


Auto-complete is not supported by enaio® webclient. The database catalog offers the same functions.

Text Field Type

Text fields can have one or multiple lines. A multiline text field makes sense for longer texts, for example, freely written text passages. Rights group controls can also have multiple lines.

Dialog Element Visible

You can hide the dialog element. This property can be edited via events, for example, regardless of the context.

Label Visible

You can hide the label on forms. However, it will be used as the name of a column in the hit list in enaio® client.

Via the File/Settings/Miscellaneous menu you can specify whether the names in enaio® editor for the layout should be visible. In test mode they will not be shown.

Tab Position

The tab position of the element on the form is entered in this line. The position can be edited using the layout functions.

Tab positions may no longer be changed if data has already been entered.

Tooltip text

The text entered here will be displayed as a tooltip when the user hovers the mouse over this element. A maximum of 123 characters, including special characters and excluding the pipe sign, are allowed.

Text Color

The text color for the indexing entries is selected via the standard text color selection dialog.