Server-side Events

enaio® 10.10 »

Server-side events are scripts that are assigned to server jobs. An assigned script can be executed before and after a server job is performed.

There are two types of server events that can be integrated:

  • KernelDrivenEvents (KDE)

KernelDrivenEvents can be called before or after a job is executed. All input and return parameters can be changed by the script before and after job execution, respectively.

  • JobDrivenEvents (JDE)

By contrast, JDEs allow the event to use the job's business logic to a great extent without the need to implement the business logic anew.

The first implemented JDE, which was delivered together with enaio®, is part of the DoArchive job (archiving of object types). In the context of object-related scenarios, KDEs are of no use as the job iterates all documents to be archived of an object type in an internal loop. If the KDE is in spite of that executed, it would have to implement this logic (only the 'Object type' parameter would be passed) and several validity checks by itself.

The JDE in the DoArchive job can be used, for example, to additionally archive the rendition of a document that so far has been available in the WORK area.

For the purpose of a legally compliant and audit-proof long-term archive, this event will be available every time less suited file formats (*.doc, *.xls) – among others, when utilizing features – are meant to be saved as PDF files in the archive.

Server events, such as object and application events, are created through the 'Object search' area of enaio® client.

Select the Common events item in the 'Object search' area and click the Add event item in the context menu to integrate KDEs. Choose the job that is designated to have its input parameters edited by a script from the KernelBeforeJob job list and the job that is designated to have its return parameters edited from the KernelAfterJob job list. The script is created or imported by using the editor window.

Select an object type in the 'Object search' area and click the Add event item in the context menu to integrate JDEs. Choose the desired job from the job list in the Server events area.

The job list is grouped according to the following namespaces:




functions used to set up and control subscriptions (notification if document inventory was changed)


administrative jobs (functions used to administer system files and a few configuration tasks at the server)


database access via ADO


conversion of image files


jobs used to query and edit index data, DMS objects, and portfolios while taking account of the security system


server-side execution of the data transfer server


kernel jobs (functions related to administration, licensing, session management, engine administration, and internal control)


jobs for the administration of groups and users in enaio®


DMS jobs and archiving (work, cache, file, and archive administration)


test executor


processing full text queries of enaio® client


processing and managing workflow processes and models

The documentation on server jobs will be supplied upon request.