User Administration in enaio® webclient

enaio® webclient 10.10 »

enaio® webclient provides a restricted user administration function. It enables you to create and edit users, as well as define which groups they are assigned to. Other settings cannot be changed.

Only the configuration and use of the function in enaio® webclient is described here. You must be familiar with the user administration concept and how it works. You will find an extensive description of the user administration concept in the administration manual under the keyword 'Security system'.

The user administration function is only available to users with supervisor rights and must be enabled.

The user administration function in enaio® is used to create users who normally only work with enaio® webclient. This is why fewer user properties can be defined than with the user administration in enaio® administrator. This is also why users will only be assigned the system roles that are required to work with enaio® webclient by default.

You can edit which system roles are assigned to whom.

You can use enaio® administrator to add or edit all user properties that are not defined in enaio® webclient later.