Exporting and Importing Group Settings

enaio® 10.10 »

You can export and import the settings of group administration, for example to transport changes to the rights system which you have created on a test system, to the production system. The settings will be saved in an XML file during export.

The following changes can be transported:

  • New groups (identified based on their name)
  • Assignments of rights to groups
  • New, deleted, and amended clauses
  • The spelling of the field names of clauses – database name, internal name, or name in the case of the same language settings – must match the data of a system into which the data will be imported.

The following changes are not transported:

  • Deleted and amended groups
  • Users
  • Assignments of users to roles, groups, and rights.

Follow these steps to export group settings:

  1. Open the Security system window.
  1. Click on the Group administration tab.
  1. Click the Export button and:


select Export all entries if you want to export all settings; or

select Export selected entries if you want to select and export specific entries.

  1. Select a name and a filing location in the file system for the export file. The default path is 'C:\Users\Administrator\GroupRights.xml'.
  1. Click OK.

The group settings are exported and stored.

Follow these steps to import group settings:

Export and back up the settings of a production system before you import new settings. After settings have been imported, you cannot undo this action.
  1. Open the Security system window.
  1. Click on the Group administration tab.
  1. Click the Import button.


  1. Select an existing import file from the file system.
  1. Select a location for a report file. The imported changes are logged in the report file.
  1. Click OK.

The group settings will be imported.