mail-journaling: app-connector: uri: # specifies the location of the app connector service duplicate-mode: IGNORE #IGNORE will not check for duplicate messages, WARN will add info about duplicate in log file smtp: port: 25000 # port the service receive mails via SMTP; needs to by > 1024 due to Java limitations username: test #credentials in case of using basic authentification password: optimal require-tls: false #switch for using TLS fals/true key-store-pass: # password if using certifcate for TLS key-store-file: C:\\Users\\kookaburra\\Desktop\\tmp_HM\\Certificats\\.p12 # certificate allowed-senders: journal@kooka.os, adress2@yourdomin.xy #comma separated mail addresses of accepted senders, should be adapted to exchange configuration. allowed-recipients: target@kooka.os, adress2@yourdomin.xy #comma separated mail addresses of accepted senders, should be adapted to exchange configuration - usually part of the journaling rule message-mode: JOURNAL #expected type of message through smtp, set to receive journal reports (JOURNAL), Non-delivery reports, ie. alternate messages (ALTERNATE) or ordinary mails (NORMAL) enaio: dms: structure: journal-folder: Journal #user name of the folder where journal mails will be stored use-register: PER_DAY #should the folder contain registers for mail, and for white timeframe should the registers be created. Possible values are NONE, PER_DAY, PER_WEEK, PER_MONTH user-folders: #list of address-folder mapping for special business use (e.g. project folder) "[enaio@kooka.os]" : Projekt enaio #for which mail in mail message should exist dedicated folder with document links to original message in journal folder "[invoice@kooka.os]" : Rechnungen folder-type: # configuration for objecttype in DMS - folder name: EXCHANGESTORAGE_FOLDER #internal name of folder cabinet in enaio. this value is default fields: #fields mapping for folder cabinet. key value is Ale-R configuration key and internal-name value is internal name of the field in enaio. this value is default - key: FOLDER_USER internal-name: Benutzer register-type: # configuration for objecttype in DMS - register name: StrukturRegister #internal name of folder cabinet in enaio. this value is default fields: #fields mapping for folder cabinet. key value is Ale-R configuration key and internal-name value is internal name of the field in enaio. this value is default - key: NAME internal-name: Feld1 mail-type: # configuration for objecttype in DMS - document name: EMAIL_DOCUMENT #internal name of mail document in enaio. this value is default fields: #fields mapping for mail document. key values are Ale-R configuration keys and internal-name values are internal names of the fields in enaio. all values are default - key: REPORT_INFO internal-name: RPRT_INFO - key: REPORT_RECIPIENTS internal-name: RPRT_RECIPIENTS - key: MAIL_FROM internal-name: MAIL_FROM - key: MAIL_TO internal-name: MAIL_TO - key: MAIL_CC internal-name: MAIL_CC - key: MAIL_SUBJECT internal-name: MAIL_SUBJECT - key: MAIL_BODY internal-name: MAIL_BODY - key: MAIL_MESSAGE_ID internal-name: MAIL_MESSAGE_ID - key: MAIL_HAS_ATTACHMENT internal-name: MAIL_HAS_ATTACHMENT - key: MAIL_SUBMIT_TIME internal-name: MAIL_SUBMIT_TIME - key: MAIL_TOS internal-name: MAIL_TOS - key: MAIL_SIZE internal-name: MAIL_SIZE - key: MAIL_PRIORITY internal-name: MAIL_PRIORITY - key: SMTP_HEADER internal-name: SMTP_HEADER - key: MAIL_RECEIVE_TIME internal-name: MAIL_RECEIVE_TIME link-folder-type: # configuration for objecttype for additional link documents in DMS - folder name: USERMAIL_FOLDER #internal name of folder cabinet in enaio. this value is default fields: #fields mapping for folder cabinet. key value is Ale-R configuration key and internal-name value is internal name of the field in enaio. this value is default - key: FOLDER_USER internal-name: Benutzer link-register-type: # configuration for objecttype for additional link documents in DMS - register name: UserStrukturRegister #internal name of folder cabinet in enaio. this value is default fields: #fields mapping for folder cabinet. key value is Ale-R configuration key and internal-name value is internal name of the field in enaio. this value is default - key: NAME internal-name: Feld1 link-mail-type: # configuration for objecttype for additional link documents in DMS - document name: USER_EMAIL_DOCUMENT #internal name of mail document in enaio. this value is default fields: #fields mapping for mail document. key values are Ale-R configuration keys and internal-name values are internal names of the fields in enaio. all values are default - key: REPORT_INFO internal-name: RPRT_INFO - key: REPORT_RECIPIENTS internal-name: RPRT_RECIPIENTS - key: MAIL_FROM internal-name: MAIL_FROM - key: MAIL_TO internal-name: MAIL_TO - key: MAIL_CC internal-name: MAIL_CC - key: MAIL_SUBJECT internal-name: MAIL_SUBJECT - key: MAIL_BODY internal-name: MAIL_BODY - key: MAIL_MESSAGE_ID internal-name: MAIL_MESSAGE_ID - key: MAIL_HAS_ATTACHMENT internal-name: MAIL_HAS_ATTACHMENT - key: MAIL_SUBMIT_TIME internal-name: MAIL_SUBMIT_TIME - key: MAIL_TOS internal-name: MAIL_TOS - key: MAIL_SIZE internal-name: MAIL_SIZE - key: MAIL_PRIORITY internal-name: MAIL_PRIORITY - key: SMTP_HEADER internal-name: SMTP_HEADER - key: MAIL_RECEIVE_TIME internal-name: MAIL_RECEIVE_TIME exchange: # configuration for accessing exchange online client-id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # credentials for GRAPH-API, taken from application configuration in Azure portal tenant-id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # credentials for GRAPH-API, takentake from application configuration in Azure portal secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # credentials for GRAPH-API, takentake from application configuration in Azure portal page-size: 999 #Maximal size of results per Graph API request. Default 999, not allowed to be greater than 999 use-exchange-service: true #enables/disables usage of exchange service to create folders for link document based on AD-parameters connected to mail addresses access-scope-uri: # defined by microsoft, optional, do not change folder-field: FIRST_NAME # defines, which AD-propertie is used for folders for link documents, accepted values USERNAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, DISPLAY_NAME, SAM_ACCOUNT_NAME domains: kooka.os, mail.kooka.os # List of domains that are part of Active Directory, used to retrieve proper folder for link documents, for each mail that is part of configured domains mailboxes: # list of mailboxes, the system pulls mails from - user: JournalNDR@kooka.os #an email address which is representing backup mailbox read-folder: Inbox #folder name from which backup mails should be pulled error-folder: JournalError #folder in which will be moved mails that could not be processed message-mode: ALTERNATE #mailbox set as alternate mailbox (ALTERNATE), journaling mailbox (JOURNAL) or ordinary mailbox (NORMAL) - user: invoice@kooka.os #an email address which is representing backup mailbox read-folder: Inbox #folder name from which backup mails should be pulled error-folder: JournalError #folder in which will be moved mails that could not be processed message-mode: NORMAL #mailbox set as alternate mailbox (ALTERNATE), journaling mailbox (JOURNAL) or ordinary mailbox (NORMAL)